Home Means Nevada, Inc. a state affiliated nonprofit organization, was established for the development and execution of homeowner assistance to address the challenges and needs of distressed homeowners. Currently, the mission is to implement and monitor the State’s Foreclosure Mediation Program as established with the passage of Senate Bill 490 of the 2017 Legislative Session.
Senate Bill 490 continued the Nevada State Foreclosure Mediation Program. While the Foreclosure Mediation Program still exists, the Nevada Supreme Court has transferred its duties under the Program to the Nevada District Courts and Home Means Nevada, Inc.
Individuals who have received a notice of default on owner-occupied housing will now petition the District Court when they want to participate in a mediation. The District Court will assign a mediator who will conduct the mediation. Home Means Nevada, Inc. will provide a supporting role in the Foreclosure Mediation Program and work closely with the District Courts and Mediators to ensure a successful program.
Our mission is carried out by a qualified team of professionals providing services in an efficient and economical manner, making the needs of eligible Nevada homeowners who wish to use the Foreclosure Mediation Program it’s top daily priority.